Monday 14 April 2008


Before you came to be,
the universe ran its course.
After you have come to pass,
nothing will have changed.

Let go.


Wayfarer said...

Let go already ... talk about being Stubburn! :P

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm thats not very positive. Did men like mohamad pbuh and sallahidin not affect the world even though they came and went? If we reach the stage where we think nothing will change by our 'control' then maybe we need to reassess where we are and what we are doing. I speak to myself before anyone else.

adil said...

Anonymous, you are right. Each of us has potential to be a force for change, bi idh nillah. As for great people, I am sure part of what makes them so great is their ability to delegate responsibility, to trust in people and to relinquish control. That is my problem.

Anonymous said...

And your strengths are plenty masha Allah.